[Infinite Virtual Space + Indelible Vedic Wisdom = MVIVVU]

VedaVachaspati TantraShiromani वेदवाचस्पति तन्त्रशिरोमणि Bharath Prathiba Ratna भारत प्रतिभारत्न Bharath Nandi award भारत नंदी पुरस्कार

Dr. Sagi Satyanarayana

Veda वेद Tantra तंत्र Mantra मन्त्र Yantra यन्त्र
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : M.D. MRSH (London), Ph.D., PhD (VTK) in Sanatana Dharma, D.Litt., D.Sc

111 DOCTORATE DEGREEs [D.Sc-12 Universities, D.Litt-25 Universities, PhD-71 Universities] & 180 BOOKS WRITTEN & PUBLISHED- WINNER OF OSCAR AWARD 2021 FOR MOST DOCTRATES EARNED PERSON IN THE WORLD & GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER - The Doctorate Degrees earned as part of this Guinness World Record include the subjects of Spirituality, Astrology, General and Clinical Psychology, Social Sciences and Literature, Alternative Medicine, Yoga & Spirituality, Psychology and Medical Sciences, Vedic Sciences, Yoga Awareness, Medical Astrology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Therapeutic Philosophy, Health and Sciences, Sanatana Dharma and Brahmagnaanam (WisdomUltimate)

Profession : Consultant Physician; Dr. Sagi Satyanarayana is personally rendering his valuable services for the benefit of Society as a Physician, Motivational Spiritual Speaker , Astrologer and a phenomenal Author and Social Reformist.

Awards & Accolades : GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS, Bharath Nandi award Received on 14th Jan2022. (Thrice) Doctor of Philosophy (32 Universities), Doctor of Literature (9 Universities), Doctor of Science (5 Universities)

Author : 2nd Guinness World Record was awarded on August 28, 2016, for “Most Books Written by an Individual is 180 Books,” for writing and publishing 180 books between the time period of 5th January 2012 and 28th February 2022.

Guru-Shisya Parampara / SodhSarthi-Guru [Research Guideship] : He has provided research guidance to 3 PhD students from USA and 1 PhD student from India.

TantraShiromani MantraMartand तन्त्रशिरोमणि मन्त्रमार्तण्ड

Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi

Tantra तंत्र Mantra मन्त्र
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : PhD [VTK] in TANTRA SPIRITUALISM; Mantra Vidhya Vishwarad,Mantra Shastracharya;Mantra Martand; Graduate in Hindi; Post-Graduate in Hindi & English;

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Tantra Studies"

He has 25+ years of working experience in the field of Tantra and Mantra

Awards & Accolades : He was conferred with ‘GLOBAL TANTRA EXCELLANCE Award’ during International Conference on Vedic and Tantric Sciences (19th December 2018) for this outstanding contribution in the field of Tantra and particularly for his research work on 'Tantra Necromancy'.

Guru-Shishya Parampara : He is actively following the Tantric Guru-Shishya Parampara. Currently, he has 10 Tantra Disciples (shishyas) inculding shishyas from Spain, USA, Australia who are learning Tantra from him.

Author : 'Tantra Necromancy' (2018), Dictionary of Tantra, Yantra & Mahapithas (2023)

TantraShiromani MantraMartand तन्त्रशिरोमणि मन्त्रमार्तण्ड

Sri Mahant REV. DR. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Country : USA

EDUCATION: Associated of Art in the year 1994 in General Education with focus in Religious Studies and Philosophy; Bachelor of Art in in the year 1996 in Religious Studies with a focus in World Religion, Hinduism, and Buddhism from the University of California at Berkeley (CAL); Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from the New Seminary for Interfaith Studies in New York, NY, His doctoral capstone is titled “Religious Pluralism and Sri Ramakrishna’s Tantric Ontology.”; Honorary Doctor of Divinity in Tantra BrahmaVidya (Hon. DDTB) from Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University in 2021.

SPIRITUAL DIKSHA : He received Mantra diksha in 1992 by His Holiness Brahmaleen Swami Chidananda Saraswati (1916-2008), in Rishikesh; Tantric diksha in 1993 and ordination as Kali Mandir pujari/archaka ; Sannyasa Diksha in 1999-Fully ordained as a sannyasin (renunciate) in the Bhurivar Sampradaya of the Dasnami order of monks via the rite of Purna Sannyasa Diksha as per the tradition of the Sri Panch Dashnam Juna Akhara by His Holiness Sri Mahant Swami Omananda Saraswati, on the auspicious Lakshmi Panchami day, the 22nd of March, in the year 1999. Swami Bhajanananda is one of only a few of Mexican decent to be ordained in this orthodox Hindu religious order.

CURRENT SPIRITUAL WORK: Since 2019 (to present) Dean and Senior Instructor of Ramakrishna Seminary- As a Kali Mandir pujari, Swami Bhajanananda performs the daily and special ritual worship of the Mother Goddess Kali and other forms of divinity. He also gives regular pravachan (spiritual discourses) on the classical Hindu scriptures.

SPIRITUAL AUTHOR : Swami has authored many books and booklets viz. Ramakrishna Upadeshamrita,The Nectar of Sri Ramakrishna’s Spiritual Instructions; Japa-Vidya,Preliminary Instructions in Mantra Meditation; Kali Stotram, Hymns to Goddess Kali; Guru Stotram,Hymns to the Guru etc

SPIRITUAL SEVA - ACTIVITIES: Featured throughout the 9-episode documentary series Yogic Paths produced by Gaia TV, and in the soon-to-be-released documentary The Image Maker by Uma Sanasayana.

Presently working on several commentaries on Hindu scriptures such as Kapila Gita, Kali Sahasranama, Narada Bhakti Sutras.

Senior editor of a monumental translation project of the Bengal spiritual classic Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita led by his disciple Rev. Swami Ambikananda Saraswati.

Presently guiding several students through their doctoral capstone projects and theses at Ramakrishna Seminary.

Has been accepted as a delegate-presenter for the upcoming Parliament of World Religions in October 2021 and will speak on The Tantric Way of Healing to a world-wide audience.

VedaVedant-Acharya वेदवेदांत आचार्य

Dr. Komang Sudiana (Pandit Param Satya)


Education : Hon. PhD Doctorate in Vedic BrahmaVidya, Master in Vedanta Education [ M.VEd ] , (B.VSt.) (Bachelor in Vedic Studies ). He studied Vedanta at Gurukula Sandeepany Sadhanaalaya Chinmaya Ashram, India. He Graduated from the vedanta ACHARYA Brahmachari Spiritual Sadhana Training course and serves as Dharma Duta धर्मंदूत teaching and Preaching as Vedic Priest and Pujari at many temples.

Experience : Dr. Pandit has participated in many Vedic conferences and Yoga meditation programs, including conducting Satsang, Homa, Vedic Yagna Puja both in India (Mysore where he served as Priest Archaka Vedic chanting ), served as Archaka Pujari Priest at Dewi Temple mandir at Jakarta, and also Jnana Seva (Lecture) for college students talks on Vedanta, Sadhana camp (Retreat) Vedic Satsang in Bali island ,sumatra, Java Indonesia, Malaysia,Dubai, South Africa, some other countries. Organizing many Spiritual events and Homa Yagna Festivals Lecture by many Gurus from India for World Peace, spreading the Divine teachings of Sanatana Dharma.

Founder of Ashram / Organization: Ashram Vedanta SAI Shruti for Sadhana spiritual Retreat center at West Java.

H.H.BrahmRishi Manasyogi ब्रह्मऋषि मानसयोगी

Dr. Swami Sri Bhanuputr Manglanand Ji Maharaj (Dr. Salingkarn Kulubrahmana Kalasribharadwaj)

Hinduism Preacher in Thailand

Religious Roles:- Leader of Sri Panca Dashnam Juna Bhairava Akhada in Thailand under Sri Panca Dashnam Juna Bhairava Akhada, Haridwar(Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad);-Sadhaka Pramukh of Sat Smaj Sadmargi Akhada in Thailand under Sat Smaj Sadmargi Akhada (Bharatiya Janata Party);-Organizer of Vishwabrahmakarmaadinam in Thailand under Vishwabrahmakarmaadinam, India; -Leader and Missionary of Brahmanism-Hinduism in Thailand from 2006-Present; Preaching and Teaching Religious Doctrine in the Thai Language.; -Leader of Brahmarishi Manas Yoga in Thailand Affiliated with the International Brahmrishi Mission of Swami Prakashnand Ji Maharaj's Doctrine (Former Leader of Outreach, Akhil Bharatiya Sat Smiti), Haridwar, India.; -Oversea Minister (Thai 2nd Generation) in Zhong Hua Tianran Yi Guan Da Dao Shi Mai Zheng Yi (中華天然一貫大道師脈正義), Taiwan.

Education & Work :Ph.D. (Regional Development Strategy) Aesthetics and Sports Group (Mekong Sub-region) (Emphasis on Advance Choreography for Aesthetics and Sports) Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand; Ph.D. (Metaphysics) Universal Ministries of the King's College, USA;M.A.(Theatre and Television) Indian Government Scholarship 2006-2008, Punjabi University, India; B.A.(Performing Art), Bangkok University, Thailand; C.C.(Persian) Punjabi University, India; Mini MPM (New Public Management) Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, Office of the Prime Minister, Thailand; Mini MBA (New Business Administration) Office of the Public Sector Development Commission, Office of the Prime Minister, Thailand

Occupation:Rituals, Prophets, Missionaries, University Teachers, Researchers,Performing Artists, Bodyguards, coaches/Instructors, and Sports Referees; 2022-Present, Lecturer at Ph.D. (Regional Development Strategy) Curriculum in Aesthetics and Sports Group (Mekong Sub-region) Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand; 2011-Present, Lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Office of the President in Academic Affairs (Quality Assurance/Internal Audit), Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He was initiated into Sanyasa Diksha by H.H. Paramahamsa Dr.Swami Hanumantananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj (Himachal Pradesh- Shri Pancayati Akhanda Mahanirvani).

Vedavigyan Acharya वेदविज्ञान आचार्य, Kundalini-Kriya Yoga Acharya कुण्डलिनी क्रिया योग आचार्य Jyotish Acharya ज्योतिष आचार्य

Dr. Paul McCarthy (Atma Dharmindra)

D.V.Sc., Ontologist, Phenomenologist, Soteriologist ; Doctorate, Professor
Country : JAPAN

Education : Hon. Doctorate in Vedic Sciences

Post in MVIVVU : RikKulapati (Chancellor)

Experience: Expert in Kundalini-Kriya Yoga कुण्डलिनी क्रिया योग , Jyotish Acharya ज्योतिष आचार्य (since 2006), Ayurvedic Consultant आयुर्वेद सलाहकार

Founder & Director : Shesha Vedic Sciences [http://www.sheshayoga.com/], Gunasamya Centre, Okinawa, JAPAN. Shesha Online Gurukula.

Lecturer of Astrotherapy, Ayurveda / Kaya Chikitsa, Forth Way, Kundalini Vidya, Mantra, Tantra, Yantra and Raja Yoga.

Publications : Contributor of Sidereal Astrological Charts / Editor - “Astronomical Dating of the Mahabharata War”, by Dieter Koch, 2015. Contributing Author - Finding Mantriji, in “A Rishi Among Us: Tales of Krishan L. Mantri”, (fwd by Dr. Robert Svoboda). Contributing Author - Trividya Chikitsa, “Eye On Yoga - Ayurveda & Jyotish Astrology Almanac”.

Yogacharya योगाचार्य

Dr. Studenikina Ksenia Alexandrovna

Country : RUSSIA

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "BrahmaVidya & Yoga"

She works as a PR manager and teaches yoga and Vedic knowledge online. Has been practicing yoga since 16 years. Her spiritual path began in Sri Lanka. She practices Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Pranayama Yoga, Nidra Yoga and others. She was awarded Honorary Doctorate in Brahmavidya and Yoga. She is representative and coordinator in Russia

Veda-Acharya वेदआचार्य

Dr. Dindayal Mani Tripathi

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : M.A. (Sanskrit), PhD (Vedic Sanskrit)

Founder of Ashram / Organization: Aadi Shankar Vedic Vidya Sansthan (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He is teaching 20+ Veda Vidyarthi (Vedic Students) in his organization.

VedaNipuna वेदनिपुण Establisher of Vedic Organizations वैदिकविज्ञानंसंस्थाप्रवर्तक महाप्रज्ञ

Dr. Chakradhar Frend

VedaVyasologist वेदव्यासज्ञ, Vedic Microbiologist , वैदिक सुक्ष्मजैविकी
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : He has dual Graduation in 'Microbiology' (B.Sc.) and 'Law' (LL.B.); dual Post-Graduation- M.Sc. (Microbiology) and M.Sc. (Vedic Sciences). He holds doctorate (PhD & DVSc) in 'Vedic Microbiology'. He studied 'VedaNipuna' वेदनिपुण course from Maharishi Sandipani Rashtriya VedaVidya Pratishthan (Govt. of India).

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Sciences & Technology"

Patron Founder / KanvaKuladhipati : Vedic Microbiology Virtual University; Founder Trustee : 'Vedic Virtual Vidyapeeth' (Trust, Regd. with Govt. of Gujarat)

President : International Association of Vedic Hindu Universities

Author : 'Vedic Microbiology' (2006), 'Revived History of Microbiology (Vedic to Modern)'(2007), 'RogNivaraka Yogashana' (2008), VedaVyasology : Vedic Intelligence - I, 'Eternal' Origin of Veda, Principles and Practices (2023); Evolution of Vedic Microbiology (2023)

Awards & Accolades : He was honored with ‘Young Vedic Scientist Award’ by Higher Education Department, Government of Haryana for exclusive research work on "Vedic Microbiology". He was conferred with 'Maharshi VedVyas VedaSansthan Pravartak Award' in World Vedic Conferences 2023.

Conferences Organized / Convener : 'International Seminar on Vedic Microbiology' (New Delhi 2007); 'YogAyur Summit' (Patna 2008); International Conference on Veda-Tantra-Mantra-Yantra (18th December 2018; Surat,Gujarat); International Conference on Vedic and Tantric Sciences (19th December 2018; Surat, Gujarat); World Vedic Conferences 2023 - 2nd International Conference on Vedic and Tantric Sciences (20th December 2023), 2nd World Conference on Vedic Microbiology & Vedic Medicines (21st December 2023) & World Conference on VedaVyasology & Adhyatma Vidya (22nd December 2023)

His (World's First) Research Paper 'VEDIC MICROBIOLOGY : Microbiology in the Veda - A Revived History' [presented in 1st 'World Congress on Vedic Sciences' 9-13th August 2004 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India] has been published online by 'Vedic Heritage' portal of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

His 2nd Research Paper 'VEDIC MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY & EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES' [presented in 2nd 'World Congress on Vedic Sciences' 9-11th February 2007 in Varanashi, Uttar Pradesh India] has been published online by 'Vedic Heritage' portal of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

SodhSarthi-Guru [Research Guideship] : Research guidance to 12 PhD students.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He received BrahmaVidya KriyaYoga Diksha from YogaManasvi Sri Padmakant Thakur 'Bhagawan', Shyamacharan Sangh (Patna). He is heading Shyamacharan Sangh, Surat, Gujarat.

Ayurvedacharya आयुर्वेदाचार्य

Dr. Hirdaynath Kanhai

Ayurveda / Vedic Medicine आयुर्वेद / वैदिक चिकित्सा

Education : LLB, LLM; Banking and Economics; Bachelor in Ayurveda and Vedic Philosophy ; Philosophy Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana; PhD [VTK] in Ayurveda

Author : De Grondbeginselen van de Ayurveda (in Dutch; ISBN : 978-90-90294-10-0); Ayurveda - Science of Life or System of Medicine (in English)

Articles / Research Paper : Four articles concerning Ayurveda in the academic journal of The European Institute for Scientific Research on Ayurveda

Darshancharya दर्शनाचार्य

Dr. Pratibha Gramann

Psychology, Consciousness & Spirituality मनोविज्ञान, चेतना एवं अध्यात्म
Country : USA

Education : Ph.D. Psychology: Humanistic, Clinical. Qualified by CA Board of Psychology for psychology license. Ed.M. Counseling Psychology; B.S.Education.

Working Experience: Consulting and Coaching__ENERGETICS for Inner Wellness 2009-Present *Mindfulness Life Coaching to increase wholesome work-life; relationships; student-life; friendships; health and wellness. Empowerment for every culture and age. Issues include anxieties, traumas, internal conflicts, substance abuse, and more. Methods include: Intake; Issue clarifications; Exploration of options; Therapy plan. *Techniques and methods to alleviate mental, psychological pain includes: CBT, DBT, MINDFULNESS, BREATH WORK, CLARIFICATIONS, FOCUSING, WORKSHEETS, Ego Development, Yoga Stabilization Movements, IFS (Internal Family Systems), and EXISTENTIAL THERAPY. (PESI seminars for professional development)

Research Paper/Scholar – Papers on free will, transformation, psychology, consciousness, Samkhya cosmology. Publications in Journal of Neuro-Quantology and Med Crave Psychology & Psychiatry. Speaker at international conferences.

Darshanacharya दर्शनआचार्य Vedashri वेदश्रीः

Dr. Rachappa I. Ingalalli

Philosophy दर्शन शास्त्र
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : M.A.,Ph.D; D.Sc. वेदश्रीः

Experience : Professor of Philosophy (Retired); Former Dean, Faculty of Social Science, Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka, India

Author : Shabda-Pramana: An Epistemological Analysis; Meaning and Knowledge: An Interpretation of Indian and Contemporary Epistemological Concepts; Jnana-Yoga (In Kannada); Tadatmya Sambandha - A Study In Relation of Identity; Knowledge of Action, Logico-Epistemological Analysis;Modern Symbolic Logic; Pramanya-Vada, A Study in Epistemic Validity;Jagatika Dharmagalalli Devaru (in Kannada),Ethical Values in Indian Philosophy; Philosophy of Yoga with Applications; Logic of Scientific Knowledge

Research Fields : Vedic Epistemology, Vedic Logic, Ethics and Yoga Philosophy-mainly in Analytical and Comparative Perspective

Awards and Special Recognition : ‘VEDA SHREE’, by Veda Adhyayana Kedra, Bengalore and WAVES, USA, Bengalore Chapter., November, 2016.

YogaAcharya योगाचार्य

Dr. Jaun Maria Alonzo Gonzalez (Yogesvara Krishna Das)

Country : URUGUAY

Education : Diploma in Vedic Studies, Hon. PhD [VTK] in Vedic Studies

He is yoga teacher and Akashic Records Reading for Since 2018. Dr. Jaun along with his wife has trained yoga instructors under the Vedic principles, based on readings such as the Yamas and Niyamas, Patanjali Yoga Sutras in Goloka Yoga Ashram.

Founder of Ashram / Organization: Goloka Yoga Ashram, Balneario Buenos Aires in URUGUAY.

Vedic Ecology & Environment Expert वैदिक पारिस्थितिकी वा पर्यावरण गुरु

Dr. Shriji Kurup

VedicPrabandhanPravin वैदिक प्रबन्धन प्रवीण
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : He has Graduation in 'Microbiology' ; Post-Graduation in 'Marine Science' and doctorate in 'Chemistry'.

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Ecology & Environment"

He has 18 years of working experience in the field of Ecology and Environment. He is expert in Diaster Management

Co-Author : 'Vedic Microbiology', 'Revived History of Microbiology (Vedic to Modern)'

President : Association of Vedic Virtual Universities, India.

Awards & Accolades : He was honored with ‘Young Vedic Scientist Award’ by Higher Education Department, Government of Haryana for exclusive research work on "Vedic Microbiology".He was conferred with 'Maharshi VedVyas VedaPurush Award' in World Vedic Conferences 2023.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He was initiated into BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha from YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh Jha (Shymacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar). He is associated with Shyamacharan Sangh, Surat, Gujarat.

Fine Arts Acharya ललितकला आचार्य

Dr. Mehika Nicole Aaron

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVA); Masters in Vedic Sciences (MVSc) ; PhD [vtk] in Vedic Sciences & Fine Arts.

Experience : 6 years of experience in the field of Fine arts

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Fine Arts"

She has participated in many workshops and exhibitions in the performance and fine Art field. She has been chosen to exhibit her work in the XIII edition of the Florence Biennale, Firenze Italy. In 2019, she conducted an awareness drive with an Art event on the World Environment day in association with the United Nations, New York. (Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Mangaluru). She participated and Presented her unique paintings in "Nari-Naarayani Dwitiya" Exhibition which was held at "The Bombay Art Society", Mumbai in 2019. In 2020, she was a participant for "The Luxembourg Art Prize" organized by the Pinacotheque museum, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : She was initiated into BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha from YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh Jha (Shymacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar). He is associated with Shyamacharan Sangh, Surat, Gujarat.

TarotAcharya टेरोअचार्य

Dr. Richa Sood

Tarot Reading, Tantra, Yoga, Occult Sciences
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

She is Tarot Reader Reiki Grandmaster and Hypnotherapist. She specialize in Acureiki Color Reiki Power Symbol and Switchwords Solar ki and Nakshatra Healing. She have been guiding people with the wisdom of Tarot for 20 years. She is a luminary in the field of Occult Studies. She enriches our academic community as a beacon of knowledge and wisdom. As a prominent faculty member in the Occult Studies Department, she brings a wealth of expertise that transcends traditional boundaries.

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Occult Sciences"

Innovative Teaching Methods: She employs dynamic and engaging teaching methods, offering students a transformative learning experience that goes beyond conventional boundaries. Courses led by her delve into the depths of occult knowledge, providing students with a unique and enriching educational journey.

Academic Excellence: With a comprehensive background in occult sciences, she contributes to the academic rigor of our institution, guiding students toward a profound understanding of mystical traditions.

Pioneering Research: At the forefront of scholarly exploration, she leads groundbreaking research initiatives that push the boundaries of occult studies. Her contributions to the field are evident in a myriad of publications that showcase a commitment to advancing our understanding of the mystical realms. She is doing PhD in Tantric Sciences from MVIVVU under the aegis of TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi.

Mentorship and Guidance: She is not just an educator but also a mentor, offering dedicated office hours to facilitate one-on-one discussions. Students are encouraged to seek Dr. Richa' s guidance on academic pursuits, career aspirations, and personal exploration within the occult domain.

A Holistic Approach to Learning: She fosters a learning environment that embraces the holistic integration of mind, body, and spirit. Through courses like "Mystical Healing Practices," students embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation.

VedicManoVigyani वैदिक मनोविज्ञानी

Dr. Glenville Ashby

Vedic/Tantric Psychologist
Country : USA

Education : Dr. Glenville Ashby was awarded a doctoral degree in Interfaith Dialogue and Diplomacy from Euclid University. He graduated from the Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, California, having earned a post graduate diploma in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. He is also a graduate of the International School of Applied Psychoanalysis, Montpellier, France. Also, He was awarded Diploma in Tantra Studies from Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University.

Dr. Glenville Ashby has spent four decades researching, studying and practicing Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. His work has taken him to South America, Europe, the Caribbean, the United States, and Africa. He’s certified to teach Kundalini Yog and is conversant in Kriya and Tantra Yog.He resides in New York where he works as an analytical therapist.

Author : Dr. Ashby has authored several critically acclaimed books including Finding Mother: Practical Spirituality East and West - Includes a 21-Day Sadhana, Anam Cara: Your Soul Friend and Bridge to Enlightenment and Creativity, and Conflict of identity: From the Slave Trade to Present Day - One Man’s Healing in Benin, Africa. His writings have been published by Oxford University Philosophical Society, UK, and The Vienna Psychoanalyst, Austria.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He was initiated into Tantra Diksha by TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi.

JyotishShiromani ज्योतिषशिरोमणि

Dr. KVN Savan Kumar

Vedic Astrologer
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Astrology & Vastu"

Education & Work : Dr. KVN Savan Kumar, having 20+ years of experience in Vedic Astrology and Vastu Astrology. Received PhD and Post-Doc in Medical Astrology. Awarded as Jyothish praveena, Jyothish visharadha, Vastu praveena and Vastu Acharya. Faculty and life time member of Indian council of astrological sciences Bangalore chapter4. Published national and international papers for medical astology articles in advanced astology magazines. By profession working in semiconductor field over 15 years and pursuing PhD in quantum computing for early detections of neurological disorders.

Awards : He was conferred with Global Vedic Sciences Excellence Award in World Vedic Conferences 2023.

Author : 'Ethical Astrology', 'A Neuronic Medical Astrology Expeditions', 'Roots of Neuro Ayurvedic Astrology', 'A Story Never Started', 'The Hidden dreams of truth', 'The Anugraha', 'The Monk inside of me', 'Don't Screwup, I will growup'.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He was initiated into BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha from YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh Jha (Shymacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar) and Tantra Diksha from TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi (Himachal Pradesh).

VedaPravin वेदप्रवीण

Sai Shivaang

Vedic Chanting Expert
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Post in MVIVVU : Deputy Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Hindu Studies"

Education & Work :Currently working as a consultant Psychologist in YourDost Foundation, Bangalore. Completed Graduation in Microbiology 2018 and Masters in Psychology in 2020. Currently persuing PG Diploma in Guidance and counseling from Jamia Milia Islamia. Received training in chanting of vedic mantras and Upanishads through Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, India and the Ghanapati group based from Bangalore , Bhaarat. Conducting Training classes in veda chanting since 2020. He is doing PhD in Vedic Microbiology under the guidance of Dr. Chakradhar Frend from Vedic Microbiology Virtual University.

Award : He was conferred with Global VedaVyasology Excellence Award in World Vedic Conferences 2023.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He was initiated into BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha from YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh Jha (Shymacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar). He is associated with Shyamacharan Sangh, Surat, Gujarat.

Vedic Management Guru वैदिक प्रबन्धन गुरु

Dr. Rahul Misra

Area of Specialisation: Forensic Accounting, Fraud Audit, Global Finance, Anti Economic Crime Detection
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : B.Com, CFE CFSA CGFM from US, PhD; Fellow from Royal Society of Arts, UK; Fellow from American Academy of Financial Management, USA; Fellow from Insitute of Business Administration, UK

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Management"

Work Experience: 28 years in the field of Financial & Management Consultancy, Training and Research, Content development focusing on high end programs.and sector base education working as independent director in VGEL a bse listed company recently being appointed as member innovation committee in Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Chattisgarh

Awards & Accolades : Recipient of the LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD in the field of Management; BHARAT MATA Award in the field of education; BHARAT EXCELLENCE AWARD in the field of management;RASHTRIYA NIRMAN RATNA AWARD in the field of Management;Name appeared in the dictionary of southeast publications 20th century's distinguished Whos Who.

Vedic GandharvaVidya Guru वैदिक गन्धर्वविद्या गुरु

Vasini Shyama Charan Jha

Area of Specialisation: Maithili folk traditions -Vivaah Geet, Jat Jatin, Jharni, Birha
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : Masters in Vocal Music Banaras Hindu University: Honed classical music knowledge under Gurus ; Intensive Training under Folk Legend Pt. Shyamlal Mishra: Imbibed the nuances of authentic Maithili folk styles & techniques,

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Gandharva Vidya",

Work Experience: • Empanelled Artist: AIR, Doordarshan, Prasar Bharti Platform to globally telecast meaningful Maithili folk compositions; • Extensive Performances: Charmed connoisseurs at leading festivals across India including Vishwa Maithili Samaroh ; • Faculty at Art Academies: Influenced aspiring artists as a teacher for 20+ years,

Awards & Accolades : • Achievers Award, Govt of Bihar: Certificate of merit for dedicated efforts promoting Maithili culture; • Vidyapati Award: Honouring continuous support to Maithili folk music traditions & enrichment; • Chetna Samiti Maithili Award: Recognizing stellar contribution to Maithili music via impactful songs.

Yogacharya योगाचार्य

Yogacharya Prajakta Tirawdekar

Yog & Ayurveda influencer for 30+ years
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education and Training:B.Sc (Physics), Diploma in Yoga course at Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. Intensive yogasana practice in Maharashtra Seva Mandal. - Teacher training at Shivam Tirth academy, earning the title of 3rd Gold Medallist.In-depth study of Bhagawata Geeta at Geeta Parivar. Knowledgeable in Tridosh, Ayurvedic kadha preparation, massage, and medicinal plants. Expertise in Breathing exercise, Shudhikriya, Pancham Kriya, Suryanamaskar, Tratak, Shata Chakra Dhyan, Shankh Prakshalan, and Shavasana. Ongoing advanced training in Pranayama and Mudra at Ambika Yogashram.

VedaVedantacharya वेदवेदान्ताचार्य

Dr. Prashant V. Koranne

Veda, Vedang, Vedanta, Darshan वेद,वेदांग, वेदांत वा दर्शन
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : He holds PhD in Rigveda, Honorary PhD in BrahmaVidya; Masters in Rigveda (ऋग्वेद मार्तंड); MBA in Human Resource Management; Post Graduate Diploma in E Business and Finance; Certificate in Vedas, Upanishads & Vedanga, and numerous other qualifications in Technology and Cyber Security.

Fondly called as PK - Prashant Koranne is an avid “Sadhak” and follower of Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta. He has 25 plus years of overall experience in establishing and managing organizations in various capacities and teaching experience in the field of Cyber Security, Bhagwad Geeta etc. His core interest areas are mentoring and guiding students who want to pursue formal qualification in Vedic Traditional Knowledge and / or undertake research in similar areas. He also serves as an advisor on Strategic Initiatives for multiple organizations.

Guru-Shisya Parampara : He was initiated into BrahmaVidya Kriya Yoga Diksha from YogaRishi Dr. Awadhesh Jha (Shymacharan Sangh, Bhagalpur, Bihar). He is associated with Shyamacharan Sangh, Surat, Gujarat.

VaastuVisharad वास्तुविशारद

Dr. Jinendra Deo Gaharana

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : D.Sc. (Architectural Engg.), PhD (VTK) in Vaastu Shastra.

Post in MVIVVU : Head of VirtualRishikulam - "Vedic Astrology & Vastu Shastra "

Expert / Specialization / Award : Experience of more than 30 years in vastu, vastu waves technology and architectural engineering [excellent working record of customer satisfaction throughout India]. Received award by Uttar Pradesh Nagar Vikas Mantri in the year 2000.

Working areas : Commercial, Residential. Hotels, Schools and Factories.

Author : Kriyatmak Vastu Shastra

TantraAcharya तंत्राचार्य

Natasha Eelin Elizabeth Addison

Tantra, Yoga, Astrology, Tarot Reading
Country : GERMANY

Education : BA in Psychology [USA], TESOL Certificate [Spain].

TANTRA - Initiation into Sattvic Tantra (Right Hand) from lineage of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa ; Buddhist Tantra Initiation from Ganden Tashi Choeling Monastery Päwesin, Germany; Currently pursuing Diploma in Tantra Studies from MVIVVU under the guidance of TantraShiromani Dr. Vishwajit Vishwasi.

ASTROLOGICAL EDUCATION : Vedic Astrology, Babylonian Astrology, Nakshatra Astrology.

MASSAGE TRAINING : Ayurvedic Massage, Marma, Thai Massage, Reiki.

YOGA : 25 Years of experience in Hatha Yoga Styles - Kundalini, Shanti Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, & Yin Yoga.

BUSINESS OWNED : Massage Business & Tarot Readings.

VedicKrishiVigyani वैदिक कृषिविज्ञानी व आचार्य

Dr. Atul Gupta

Vedic Agriculture वैदिक कृषि
Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : Bachelor in Vedic Agriculture Science, Master in Vedic Agriculture Science, PhD (Vedic Agriculture Science)

Dr. Atul Gupta (Jaipur, Rajasthan) is working since 1996 for improving economical condition of farmers and development of Indian agriculture system with a mission of the financial freedom of Indian rural people. His motive is to stop Indian farmers and youngster to retreat from villages to cities besides stopping suicide of farmers because of low income and unfair climatic conditions. His motive is to cultivate such types of crops, whose prices never fall, whose demand never shortens.His vision is to re-establish Bharat as world leader (vishwaguru). To accompalish this mission he have made 50,000 farmers economically independent, cultivated Organic Farming practices with the help of government on about 50,000 hector, provided training to more than 20, 000 farmers and agri-entrepreneurs. He also stablished a training institute and Organic Park on 162 acres of land where more than 300 types of medicinal and aromatic plants with cultivation model are established. 1000 tons of organic manure is been produces through desi cow dung. He is still providing guidance to the students of science faculties and other faculty students also. For his unprecedented work in the area of Vedic Organic Agriculture he was awarded Honorary Doctorate in Vedic Agriculture Science by Maharshi VedVyas International Virtual Vedic University in the year 2019.

Chairman : Sunrise Group of Company, Organic Farmer Production Association

Editor : Mai Hun Kishan.

Founder : International Institute of Advanced Agriculture Skill Development

Member : Rajasthan State Aushadhiya Padap Board, Government of Rajasthan.

KarmakandaChudamani कर्मकाण्डचूड़ामणि

Dr. ChandraShekha Paneri

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : BA, BA (Sanskrit), Master of Arts, Jyotish Ratna, PhD [Karmakand].

He has served as pujari in many temples. He has paricipated in many Mahayajnas.He is expert in Vaidika Panchadasa karmas and smaartha and vaishnava Aagamic traditions.

He has wide experience in organizing major festivals or celebrations (homas, vratams, pratisthas brahmotsava and spiritual lectures) Teaching Shukla yajurveda, well versed in vedic Astrology forperforming any rituals , well experienced in fixing muhurtams for all functions and smarata rituals, Vedic astro logy for horoscopes.

He is also expert in all areas of predictive Techniques of astrology Specializes in remedial measures in Astrology and Vastu Shastra.

Vidyavaridhi विद्यावारिधि

Dr. Balaji Satapathy

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : Acharya, Shastri, Vidyavaridhi [Ph.D], LL.B, Gold Medal

Prize/Award/Medal : Hindi Sahitya Sudhakar, Chatra Bhusan,Sanskrit Prativha Puraskar

Chief Editor : RISHI-Panchang

Founder : Rishi Vedic Society

Author : Ista Purta Kaumudi (A Model Text on Traditional water solution & Architect)

Yogacharya PrakritiChikitsak योगाचार्य प्राकृतिकचिकित्सक

Dr. Jai Prakash Bhardwaj

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : BYN, ND, MA (Yoga), DMA, DAT, MD (Panchagavya Therapy)

Experience : 10 years of experience as Vedic Teacher. Development Director in Akhil Bharat Rog Nivaran Seva Sansthan, Delhi from 2003-2005. Learned Spiritualism, Yoga, Astrology, Yagna, Panchagavya and Naturopathy under the guidance of Mahamandaleshwar Swami Ramsharan Giri ji. Worked with Swami Kartikeya of ‘Path of Divine Life’ to spread Pranic Healing. Worked with Juna Akhada International from 2007-2012 for spreading Vedic knowledge.

Chief Editor : The Vaidic Times

Trustee: Ayush Mandiram

Author : Mere Gamle ki Tulsi, Bhartiya Parampara ‘Pakhand ya Vigyan’, Hath milane ka sach, Usha Kaal me Panchtatva Sadhna etc.

VedicGanit Acharya वैदिकगणित आचार्या

Dhritika Singh Bisen

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : B.Com, M.Com, Certificate in Vedic Mathematics, Bachelor in Vedic Mathematics.

Ancient Sanskrit Grammar प्राचीन संस्कृत व्याकरण (महर्षि पाणिनिकृत)

Dr. Nidhi Vedaratna

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : Acharya in Prachin Vyakaran. Ph.D. in meaning of Vedas as per secret of accent depicted in panini Ashtadhyayi from Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi. She is expert in Sanskrit grammar as well as Nirukta.She has command on Vedic rituals and Vedic saswar Vedapatha (सस्वर वेदपाठ).

Awards: She has been awarded as Pratibha Samman (प्रतिभा सम्मान) from Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi

Yogacharya PrakritiChikitsak योगाचार्य प्राकृतिकचिकित्सक

Acharya Satyavir Shresht (Dhiraj Kumar)

Country : भारत BHARAT/India

Education : Study of Ayurveda and Natural Medicine by Guru-Shisya Parampara under Baba Ramdev

Work Experience: Yoga Pracharak for Patanjali Yogapeeth in Bihar. Organizer of Yoga Shibir. Researcher of Herbs and Ayurvedic Medicine. Yoga Trainer and Traditional Medicine Practitioner and Trainer.

Founder : Jan SevaAarogyam (Bihar)

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